Month 1 – Raw Learnings

To sum up the first month of this project in one word: raw.

There truly is nothing quite like the excitement of starting out with a brittle hope of a bang and hearing nary a whimper. On second thought, that would be insulting to whimperers as it has been many decibels less.

This wheel ain’t gonna turn itself, that much has been made clear. But, sharing these updates & learnings are food for the proverbial soul so here we go:

  • Posts: 6
  • Website Visitors: 26
    • 26 users / 94 pageviews
    • Peak traffic day of 7 users
Is it time to pivot to ads?!? Lord help the server load!
  • E-Mail Sign Ups: 2
    • Aint gonna lie – one is a friend and the other is my e-mail to audit the posts
      • It’s really 0
        • WOOF!

Any other metrics to include? Time spent perhaps? Will mull it over. Not much to analyze at this point..

Month 1 > Month 2:
OK, so what’s the plan for month 2? Feedback. Planning to do some interviews and hear what people like & don’t like. Will also be doing some further work on monetization and how best to approach.

Must get this engine going. Onward and upward!

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