101 Primer on Running Effective 1x1s

Our weeks are filled with an endless parade of meetings. Now, taking video calls all day from home. Cycling from Google Hangouts to Zoom and back like a post apocalyptic PG rated version of Chat Roulette. On and onnn they go. One category of meeting rises above them all in importance. It is the Freedom […]

Timeless Graduation Lessons On the Way Up

If you believe hope springs eternal, this is one of the best times of the year to find renewed motivation from the greatest minds around the world. In the form of commencement speeches. At least, in the before times.. Actors, musicians, poets, comics, executives, politicians and more generate soundbites and video clips each spring that […]

Summer is Around the Corner, Focus

Memorial Day Weekend is fast approaching, anyone have any fun plans?? Right.. It’s been the longest spring of the decade, that’s for sure. People are dying to get out of town and take some time off. Anything to break up the monotony. After a long couple of months indoors, the remote work day’s beginnings and […]

A New Hope: The Road Ahead

The year is 1977. A young small business employee comfortably works away at his established family business. Then, a chance meeting with a recruiter. He’s given an offer to join a startup developing exciting new technology against a powerful incumbent. He hesitates. Why leave a familiar role and known safety to join an unfamiliar boss […]

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