Rebrand Season

We have a joke amongst my college friends. After a rough comment, night, weekend, or just overall performance you’d like to have back we’ll say “I need a rebrand”. Rebrands are all the rage these days. Whether it’s Facebook’s transition to Meta, Microsoft branding itself a metaverse company, the explosion of web3 vocabulary, or even Adam Neumann (!) reappearing this week to announce WeWork’s rapid rise “went to my head” it is undoubtedly rebrand season.

Weekly Wrap Ups – Taking A Break

We’re taking a break from Weekly Wrap Ups. Time is so valuable, you know? For other rock solid consistent programming covering the world of tech & startups check these resources out:

Morning Brew
Robinhood Snacks
Axios Pro Rata by Dan Primack
Stratechery by Ben Thompson (paid + free)
Term Sheet by Lucinda Shen
SaaStr by Jason Lemkin


Keeping In Touch

I met up with a bunch of old coworkers last night for drinks. Which admittedly is making it hard to churn out these words. So I’m going to keep it brief. It feels good to catch up with the people you’ve fought battles with in those early messy startup days. Recounting funny stories and hearing […]

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