Porter: Cost Leadership vs. Differentiation

Some weeks you need to wind back the clock to business school academics from the 1980’s in order to understand startup challenges of the present. Bear with me, we’re going to land this plane! Famed Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter is well known for his book Competitive Strategy and the “Five Forces” analysis. His writing is just as relevant today in analyzing modern business strategy & competition across industries. Oft-cited, stolen, repurposed, and even thrown into “original” blog posts…for decades now!

Keeping Your Head

It feels like we are in the midst of an interesting time of this Internet super cycle. Some people are beginning to lose their heads. Whether it’s the NFTs, SPACs, BTC, ETH, or FAANGs there are $$$s everywhere. And at time likes these the most important leadership trait might just be steadiness. Keeping your head while all others are losing theirs. Sound familiar?

Who’s Lying To You?

How do you know if someone is telling you the truth? How do you know if the person sitting across from you in a meeting or an interview or whatever is a superhero or a super villain? I know, kind of a strange way to start here but really think about it. Before we begin please click on this Twitter thread below from Jon Wu. Read it all the way to the end and then come back:

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