Manager Splaining – Be Aware

Is there anything worse than a boss who makes everything about themselves? The boss who talks about how difficult their job is? Or how the decisions they make are ultra important and cannot be delegated? And seemingly never decided on time either.. It can be extremely frustrating to serve under this person. Yet, as managers […]

Exiting Stage Left: Create A Leave List First

Corporate misbehavior has surfaced all over the internet these last couple weeks. Whether it’s a talent executive at ABC or eBay employees sending live cockroaches, spiders, a bloody pig mask, a funeral wreath, and more to company critics..for some it’s time to GTFO of these terrible situations. First, an acknowledgement: if you have a colleague […]

Management in America Today

There is an equality gap in this country. There is a police brutality problem in this country. Black lives matter. None of these systemic problems are new. Like many Americans, I’m rapidly digesting the tsunami of change rolling across our land from sea to shining sea and how to be a part of it. The […]

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