2020 Rambling Thoughts

Happy goddamn New Year! 2020 already feels like it’s going to be action packed with drama, thrills AND chills. We cannot wait.

The internet is already awash with predictions, arguments over how much successful people need to work, and more. Put all of that aside. Most of it doesn’t matter.

Here are 10 thoughts and corresponding ponderings for all you middling managers out there as we enter this new year and decade:

  • There were some great wins
    • What are we going to do more of this year?
  • Probably should have handled some situations better
    • What are we going to change this year?
  • Hiring, weekly reporting, and meeting prep is taking a ton of time
    • What’s one responsibility to be delegated to a top performing team member?
  • Don’t understand XYZ function and their goals thoroughly
    • Is Head of XYZ available for coffee next week to catch up?
  • [Insert obnoxious colleague here] is SO annoying
    • Why are we wasting our precious time and energy thinking about them?
  • Growing the external network can help uncover fresh ideas
    • Who can we spend more time with outside the office to get the wheels turning?
  • Mentorship can help shine a light on the way forward
    • Who could help us learn and see the way?
  • Coaching feels good, one of the best parts of the job
    • How can we give back more to the next generation of leaders?
  • Equity = ownership
    • Do we know how much ours is worth in scenario A, B, or C?
  • That voice in our head can be so mean, Rick Dalton mean
    • Will we cut ourselves some slack this year?

It’s going to be a good year. Let’s go!

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