Feedback is a Gift, Wrap it Tight

You know the feeling. You go out of your way to share some very helpful feedback with someone. Or worse, you drum up the courage to approach them on a topic in the hope of solving a larger problem. Except, it doesn’t land.

In attempting to solve the larger problem in this directionally small way you haven’t put a plan in place. You’ve just reacted in a time and place. Have you also thought if you’re the best person to be sharing these helpful tidbits?

You see, feedback is a gift. But you’ve got to wrap it tight. And you’ve got to recognize whether you’re the best served to be the bearer of gifts.

Last week, we received the results of our employee culture survey. A very helpful lens into the inner workings of our workforce and a guide to how we can improve our work together.

In all the excitement to share our new learnings, we presented the inter-department feedback to another team. Unfiltered. In the name of transparency and helpfulness. Without a plan..

The learning? If the feedback isn’t forward looking in service to improving a higher level goal, the risk of receiving seemingly unnecessary criticism can wound. It’s not just the what, it’s the why that’s so important!

Keep it forward looking, keep it positive, and point the compass north toward the collective mission.

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