How Good Are You?

It was Plato who said “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.” More or less those were his words. Plato did not know English though. He also appreciated that he did not know how good of a philosopher he was. He knew he didn’t […]

Get Off My Adjoining Lawn

There was an internet war of words. Not necessarily a memorable one. One of the many that occurs on the digital battlefield each week. It might have been between VCs and the media and their coverage of some startup. One can’t be too sure. The specific tweet with the observation couldn’t be located, ok? Still, […]

Fostering A Desperate Sense of Urgency

We’re approaching the mid point of February in the year of our lord 2021 / 1 A.C. and we’ve vaccinated approximately 10% of the U.S. population with an initial Covid vaccine. If you think that opening line is boring, life is pretty boring now isn’t it? 3% of the population stands fully vaccinated. We’ve had emergency FDA authorization for the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines for about two months and America stands 5th worldwide in vaccinations per citizen.

…Is that any good? We’re at war with a virus. But it really doesn’t feel like it.

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