Week 3, June 21 – Weekly Wrap Up

1.) 4 Big Tech Bills
2.) Call Her $$$
3.) Electric Slides
4.) Juneteenth Official


1.) 4 Big Tech Bills: there’s bi-partisan support for Big Tech regulation and 4 bills have been introduced to assault tech moats and turn the heat up in Silicon Valley from D.C. boiler rooms. Watch Capitol Hill!

2.) Call Her $$$: Alex Cooper, Barstool podcaster & host of “Call Her Daddy”, is headed to Spotify for 3 years @ $20M/year. The creative economy is roaring and top creators are getting paid like movie stars. This internet thing is really taking off!

3.) Electric Slides: Lordstown Motors has lost executives, they’re behind on sales, and short sellers are circling. Meanwhile Waymo raised $2.5B led by their parent Alphabet to further their autonomous mission. Electric slides up..and electric slides down. The prize though is immense!

4.) Juneteenth Official: June 19th marks the end of American slavery. In 1865 the Union Army rolled into Galveston, Texas and freed the slaves. Now, it’s finally and officially a federal holiday. A dark part of history we must never forget

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