Crazy Weeks & Regret Minimization

You know those crazy weeks? When it doesn’t just rain but it pours? Life comes at you like a ton of bricks. Existential questions, family matters, whatever it is time kind of..stops. Triviality falls away and you get lost in the present. Miles away from work.

One of THOSE weeks. You know? Whether you’re leading the team or its a member of your team crazy weeks come for us all.

Bezos is going to space soon which seems like kind of a wild move as the CEO and soon to be Chairman of one of the largest companies on the planet. Such a journey to the stars has some risk associated with it. But not the greatest risk according to J.B.:

During one of those crazy weeks, if you have a minute, try to take a broader look at life and figure out what might you regret not doing? When you’re questioning your place in the world or just how to get back on track perhaps try rolling out the regret minimization framework to re-calibrate.

And get minimizing.

Have a great sun filled week of summer and wish King Bezos safe travels to the stars on July 20th!

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