Facebook And The Air Up There

Dark clouds have rolled back in over Menlo Park and Facebook is in the eye of the storm of the tech universe yet again. Frances Haugen, a former Product Manager who worked for the company for ~2 years, had also been working alongside the WSJ & SEC to leak thousands of pages of internal documents dubbed The Facebook Files. She went public with her identity and complaints Sunday night on 60 Minutes. And then, as further proof of the simulation we live in, Facebook’s family of apps disappeared from the Internet Tuesday morning.

Genius? Insanity? A Kookiness Scale

Founders must have been jealous with all the asset focused froth talk last week because the humans came out in full force right after to show us that asset performance doesn’t have diddly on founder performance. A wise man once said “the only difference between genius and insanity is that genius has its limits”. That man was Albert Einstein and we can safely file him in the genius category.

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