Title Inflation: 5 Sneaky Signs

The only thing going up faster than unicorn valuations these days is the collective title inflation across the social network of professional white lies, LinkedIn. Where did this start?? Is this recruiter driven? Keeping up with the Joneses? Either way, trying to figure out who people really are and what they’ve actually accomplished is getting […]

Adventures in Interviewing

One of the most important, strategic, entertaining, often wasteful and straight up wild parts of your management job is going to be devoted to interviewing. Some candidates will flatter you, some will surprise you, fewer still will impress you. Remember not to forget the point of this exchange is a mutual role & skills evaluation. […]

Build Your Bench

In the hyper-competitive, rapidly moving world of technology…expect to lose employees quicker than your kid cousin lost their pet hamster. According to one cursory Google Search, data shows companies might expect to keep employees for an average of ~2 years. And those are for well known, growing companies! So, provided you’ve been tasked with the […]

Evaluate Roles like a VC

We can learn some good lessons from our venture capitalist counterparts when it comes to evaluating the risk of new management employment opportunities at startups. The most popularized risks of ventures, when evaluated for investment opportunity, are broadly captured within the following categories:

Who’s On Your Bus?

Nick Saban is the head coach of the mens football team at the University of Alabama and winner of SIX national championships, but you likely already knew that. During a recent talk ahead of his team’s spring practices he laid out his goals for the upcoming fall season: Love it! Get the right people on […]

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