Individual Failures Are The Best Training

It is the trials, tribulations, and just plain stupid mistakes we go through as managers that create indelible lessons in leadership. The “how could I possibly be that dumb” moments we all share. Publicly and privately. To set the stage, I bring you two tweetstorms from Ali Partovi who had startup twitter madly liking and retweeting these last couple weeks with a couple painful career memories:

Timeless Graduation Lessons On the Way Up

If you believe hope springs eternal, this is one of the best times of the year to find renewed motivation from the greatest minds around the world. In the form of commencement speeches. At least, in the before times.. Actors, musicians, poets, comics, executives, politicians and more generate soundbites and video clips each spring that […]

Summer is Around the Corner, Focus

Memorial Day Weekend is fast approaching, anyone have any fun plans?? Right.. It’s been the longest spring of the decade, that’s for sure. People are dying to get out of town and take some time off. Anything to break up the monotony. After a long couple of months indoors, the remote work day’s beginnings and […]

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