Positive Vibes, Mostly

I know we’ve missed a couple weeks here. Temperatures are rising into this Friday the 13th and I’m not talking about the weather! The tech bubble has burst (?) and yearly earnings for the stock based comp folks are down down down. Other news about the future of our world, climate and politics look downright gloomy. I mean have you ever heard more about inflation in your entire life?

I am coming to you a few weeks and a day late to deliver a very simple message about what you & your teams need during these difficult times.

Positive. Vibes. ..Mostly.

There’s this…individual I work with who has the responsibility in our weekly team meetings of giving out a business update on the revenue numbers and other key metrics. It has been decided that their update is so important it must always be served first. But every damn time they can’t help but focus on the negatives and, as a result, take all of the air out of the virtual room. It absolutely kills the vibes!

So very simply, when you and your team are undoubtedly navigating the endless challenges you face as a growing business in shifting seas during stormy times, take a pause. Don’t look past the grim reality but perhaps see how the view you’re serving out into the world.

It’s seemingly the only thing we really have control of these days. Our attitudes. Colin Powell said that “perpetual optimism is a force multiplier” and who am I to argue with the late 4 star general and Secretary of State.

So listen, I get it. Times seem a little tough right now. We can’t control much. But the vibes? We can sort of control that. Positive vibes, mostly. Give it to me!

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