Cutting Costs: 2022 Edition

Everywhere you look, people be cutting costs. Google and Facebook are NOT “doing layoffs” but it feels like every other tech company under the sun is getting leaner. Companies are scrambling to maintain their current trajectory, meet investor expectations, or in other cases just stay alive.

Less examined is when companies say “we need to cut costs”…what exactly do they mean? And, as leaders, how can you understand your menu of options to better plan? When the plan comes down from on high, it’s good to be prepared!

Gatekeepers Looking A Lil Exposed

When the conquering consumer arrives at the big pearly gatekeepers, what might she say? She might ask why she didn’t have a more direct relationship with her beloved brands. She might ask why she had to watch so many ads. It was the last thing she saw while glued to her phone before she walked into the…ok that’s enough.

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